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The Untold Story Behind Angelo Mathews' Time Out?

Have you ever wondered what really went down between Angelo Mathews and Shakib al Hasan during that infamous timeout in the Nidahas Trophy final? The truth is, there's way more to the story than what the cameras captured. Turns out, the drama had been building for days and emotions were running high. When you're under that kind of pressure and tensions start to boil over, sometimes things are said in the heat of the moment that you come to regret. What the viewers at home didn't see was how Mathews and Shakib put their differences aside after the match and shook hands, recognizing they had both allowed their competitive fire to get the best of them. The timeout seen round the world made for great TV, but the real story is the sportsmanship and mutual respect that emerged from the ashes. Here, for the first time, is the untold story behind Angelo Mathews' time out.

Mathews Makes Unfortunate History With Timed Out Dismissal:

You were there - watching Angelo Mathews stride out to the middle of the pitch, helmet in hand, ready to face Shakib al Hasan. But as Mathews went to put on his helmet, the strap broke, delaying him. Little did you know you were about to witness history being made - and not in the way Mathews would have wanted.

After two minutes elapsed, the umpires had no choice but to rule Mathews out for failing to be ready to receive the ball within the allotted time, as per ICC regulations. Mathews became the first player in international cricket to be dismissed timed out. Talk about adding insult to injury!

The events unfolded rapidly. Mathews called for a replacement helmet and one was run out to him - but not quickly enough. Shakib, ever the opportunist, initiated an appeal to the umpires regarding the time taken. The umpires had a quick discussion and the verdict was given: out timed out.

Mathews was visibly upset, and who could blame him? To be dismissed in such a manner during a crucial World Cup match was unfortunate and frustrating. He gave his broken helmet strap a kick, showing his annoyance at the unfortunate equipment malfunction that led to this unwelcome milestone.

While the decision was correct according to the rules, you couldn't help but feel for Mathews. All players make sure to check their equipment before heading out to bat - but sometimes freak accidents just happen. Mathews was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. His dismissal left Sri Lanka in a tricky position at 135 for 5, though they eventually recovered to post 279 thanks to a Charith Asalanka century.

Still, Mathews' untimely exit will live on in cricket history and highlight the need for players to be ready to receive the ball within two minutes - broken helmet straps or not!

Reactions to the Dismissal Tell the Hidden Story:

When Angelo Mathews was ruled out for taking too long to be ready at the crease, you could see the frustration and sense of injustice written all over his face. His angry reaction showed he felt hard done by the decision.

Mathews was already making his way out to bat when his helmet strap broke, delaying him from taking strike within the allotted two minutes. He called for a replacement and reserve umpire Adrian Holdstock confirmed at least three minutes twenty seconds had passed since the dismissal of the previous batter.

Even though Mathews was visibly upset, kicking his helmet and chucking his bat, Shakib al Hasan's sympathetic gesture showed there was no ill intent behind Bangladesh appealing for timed out. Shakib approached the umpires, likely to ask if Mathews would be allowed extra time given the equipment malfunction, but the appeal stood. Shakib then consoled Mathews with a tap on the shoulder, recognizing his frustration.

The playing conditions are clear that the batter must be ready to face within two minutes, with no allowance for unexpected delays. But this was the first instance of its kind in international cricket, highlighting a potentially unjust rule. Equipment issues outside of a player's control should be grounds for extra time, especially when they are already making their way to the middle.

Mathews' reaction is completely understandable. To have your innings cut short through no fault of your own would leave any batter feeling a sense of unfairness and annoyance at the circumstances. The sympathetic reaction of the opposition captain shows even Shakib believed Mathews deserved better in this case.

While the decision was technically correct, the rules feel too rigid here. A bit of common sense and discretion in exceptional cases like this would go a long way to avoiding perceptions of injustice. The story behind Mathews’ time out shows that not everything is black and white.

Could the Rules Be Improved to Prevent Repeat Incidents?

The rules around ‘timed out’ dismissals seem quite strict, leaving little room for discretion. While the playing conditions aim for consistency, allowing some leeway for equipment issues may prevent unfortunate incidents like Mathews’ dismissal.

The two-minute rule was established to keep play moving at a good pace and ensure batters are ready to receive the ball. However, malfunctions with safety gear like helmets are outside a player’s control and warrant extra time. Had the umpires exercised their judgment and allowed Mathews a couple extra minutes to fix or replace his helmet, he likely would have continued his innings and Sri Lanka may have posted an even higher total.

Rather than an outright ban on discretion, the rules could specify that equipment problems qualify as an exception to the two-minute rule at the umpires’ discretion. They are in the best position to determine if the delay is reasonable and the batter is making a genuine effort to resolve the issue promptly. This approach balances the need to keep the game moving with basic fairness and common sense.

While consistency in applying the rules is important, inflexibility can lead to unjust outcomes that harm the spirit of the game. Allowing umpires to make limited exceptions for issues outside a player’s control, like Mathews experienced, would help avoid scenarios where the rules work against basic fairness and sportsmanship. With some discretion permitted on equipment malfunctions, strict enforcement of timed out dismissals could continue serving its purpose of maintaining a good pace of play.


So there you have it. The real story behind the infamous timeout controversy isn't as simple as it seemed. Angelo Mathews was put in an impossible situation with an injured player and tensions running high. While his decision didn't win Sri Lanka the match that day, Mathews showed strong leadership in defending his player during a stressful moment. The truth is always more nuanced than hot takes and clickbait headlines would have you believe. Next time there's drama on the cricket pitch, take a deep breath and consider the human element. There are real people behind those jerseys making split-second calls in the heat of competition. And like all of us, sometimes they make the right choice, sometimes they get it wrong. But through it all, let's appreciate the heart and soul they pour into this game we all love.

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